Future for Fellas
The Book

If you forget everything else I have written, please remember that when it comes to mental problems there is only one approach:
Fuck It Before It Fucks You
In his book Roundabouts and Firewood: A Mental Health Approach for Irish Guys, the American author, who lived in Ireland from 2006 to 2021, posits the idea that the key to solving your mental health problems is to employ the FIBIFY approach, an approach of action. Using self-effacing humour, the author tells the story of his mental health challenges and makes the case that Irish males are ideally suited to slay the A&D (anxiety and depression) Monster due to their culture. Calling upon important lessons from The Art of War and Man’s Search for Meaning, he outlines how the mental health battle can be won as long as you are willing to take action. It is a book for anyone who prefers to participate in an action culture, rather than a talking one.